The Kramski Case is a 90,000 word espionage thriller, and the first book in my "Tales of MI7" series. It is currently permafree on all available channels (Amazon, Kobo, B&N, etc), because there are seven further titles in the series and having the first free this way increases sales of the others.
It is set in Britain during a fraught general election in 2010. It deals with the relation between Moscow and the West and features a trio of protagonists from the UK, USA and Russia. Its overall tone midway between James Bond and George Smiley.
There are other titles in the series on their way. In Chinese, I would expect to probably drop "Tales of MI7" as the series-title, because it probably doesn't mean much there, and use something with the word "London" in the title - "The London Spy Squad", or "London Espionage", or something much better - because I think this would be more saleable. All my book covers feature scenes from the city of London.
If you wish to view a video about The Kramski Case, you can go to my Amazon author page at . It's the video at the left, beneath the top row of books.